Getting the Right Product for You

It’s important that you are using the right products that suit your needs so you need to take the time to read through all of the information provided about a particular product, chat to a member of the SBS team to ask questions, no question is a silly question, and take the time to think it through before you commit to anything.

More Info on our Products

Home Loans

We Kiwis are completely smitten (even a little obsessed) with owning a home. SBS has been proudly helping Kiwis into their own homes since 1869. And we still get a buzz from it today.


Wake up, jump out of bed and get on with life knowing SBS is getting on with your everyday banking behind the scenes. No fuss, no hassle.


When you get it, you gotta put it somewhere. Under the mattress or buried out the back won’t cut it. Check out what SBS can do for you and your savings.


Don’t be a shoulda, woulda, coulda person and let those funds laze around doing nothing. You’ve worked hard for your money so have a look at how SBS could get it working for you.


From your first car to your last hurrah and every stage in between, our everyday insurance cover is designed to help everyday Kiwis look after the people and things you love.

Credit Card

Whatever the occasion, wherever you want to shop, the SBS Visa Credit Card aims to make life even easier with options to earn cash back. Find out if you’re eligible to apply.

Important Information

The information contained within this webpage is factual and general in nature and is not financial advice. You should consider the appropriateness of the information as it relates to you.  Our product information webpages may cover deposit products and lending information which may contain some general advice.  The product information webpages may also contain information about other investments such as, superannuation and insurance, the content of which is factual information and is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about the suitability of any of our financial products for you.  If you would like to obtain financial advice, we suggest you speak with one of our Nominated Representatives.